Lingerie inhibiting antibacterial agents.

Lingerie inhibiting antibacterial agents.
Patent No. NC2016/0005650, Colombia (Granted).

This technology consists of a functionalized textile material, ideal for the manufacture of women’s underwear. This synthetic microencapsulation technique allows underwear to acquire properties to prevent the appearance of pathologies in the female v-zone caused by fungi and bacteria.

Biotechnology, Textile industry
Treatment of textile materials. Textile technology.
Antimicrobial, functionalization of textiles and preservation of the PH of zone V.
  • Inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
  • It prevents the appearance of pathologies such as candidiasis and vaginitis.
  • It allows to obtain a PH equal to that of the female v-zone.
  • It does not produce changes in the PH of zone V.
Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali.