Low toxicity bioinsecticide for mosquito larvae.

Low toxicity bioinsecticide for mosquito larvae.
patent application registration in Spain WO2021190675A and in China NC2020\0001308.

a bioinsecticide based on Bacillus thuringiensis var. israeliensis in a matrix of depleted mycelium of Pleurotus spp. fungus and its method of obtaining, in turn implements the circular economy since it obtains the mycelium of the fungus from fungiculture waste.

The invention consists of three main procedures: method of treatment of raw material (custard or mycelium of the fungus Orellana pleurotus spp), procedure for the preparation of the broth and process for the implementation of mixing between the broth with the raw material.

Biotechnology, Public health
agriculture. public health.
protects the ecosystem, controls larvae and mosquitoes, reduces public health problems, protects crops.
  • The bioinsecticide eliminates mosquito larvae that cause public health problems in the transmission of diseases such as dengue, zika and chikungunya.
  • It can be applied in rice fields or in stagnant waters where these insects breed.
  • The bioinsecticide has low toxicity levels, protecting the surrounding fauna, flora and ecosystems, which makes it a suitable product to be applied in places such as natural parks and urban areas where mosquito infestation problems occur.
  • Does not affect the safety of the food where it is applied, e.g. rice fields.
  • The product has a long shelf life (more than two years) and only needs to be applied once a month.
David García Nieto.