On March 30 and 31, 2022, a technical seminar on strategic management of intellectual property in healthcare was held for universities, research centers, R&D&I centers, pharmaceutical companies and companies from the Clinical Excellence Cluster of the Cali Chamber of Commerce. Here we tell you a little about what we saw in this Reddi event organized by the Cali Chamber of Commerce. 

What are Cluster Initiatives?

Cluster initiatives are part of a regional development strategy organized by the Cali Chamber of Commerce, which seeks to accompany the largest and most dynamic production chains in Valle del Cauca to boost the competitiveness of companies.

In the Cluster initiatives, in addition to the companies (of all sizes) that make up each chain, government representatives, unions, universities and research centers and other support institutions participate.

Their main purposes are:

  • Training/research and development programs adapted to the specific needs of groups of companies. 
  • Effective integration with other agents in the value chain. 
  • Alignment of supplier networks to the Action Plan through joint projects. 
  • Collaboration initiatives in joint innovation, marketing, export, etc. projects. 
  • Detection of new market niches with high growth in which it is possible to specialize the current offer of the companies.

This technical workshop is aligned with the Action Plan of the Clinical Excellence Cluster Initiative and was aimed at “Deepening knowledge within the companies of the Clinical Excellence Cluster on the implementation of intellectual property management systems as a fundamental input for clinical innovation”, and was supported by Clínica de Occidente, Fundación Valle del Lili, Clínica Oftalmológica de Cali and Clínica Imbanaco. 

The technical seminar consisted of 2 modules of 4 hours each, led by Lucía Segura Cometa, Reddi’s consultant, who is an engineer in industrial automation and has a master’s degree in organization and project management. 

Module 1: Introduction to Intellectual Property

What is Intellectual Property? 

Experiences and background 

National panorama in terms of Intellectual Property (current regulations, importance, scope, among others). 

Forms of protection and requirements 

National and international patents 

National calls for patents 

Practical exercise on Intellectual Property

Module 2: Strategic management of Intellectual Property

What is an Intellectual Property management system? 

Principles, regulations, competencies and roles for managing intellectual property. 

Identification of tangible assets 

Aspects to take into account for day-to-day management of intellectual property

Practical exercise on Strategic Intellectual Property Management

The 110 attendees to the 2 modules of the Technical Seminar expressed their satisfaction with its contents, as shown in the following testimony of Luz Stella Jaramillo, Physician Relationship Executive, Clínica de Oftalmología de Cali S.A:

 “Thank you, I clarified several ideas, but the universe is immense of intellectual property. These talks make me more aware of the care in its management. We thank you for creating these spaces that help to strengthen our knowledge and give us valuable tools in our role in the organization.”